
The Bright side of PTSD: understanding Firuze, Amelia, and Harry?

Smells, noises or lights can suddenly awaken some of us, and refuse to let us sleep until identified. Long-lasting childhood traumas can leave your Inner Child reluctant to come out from under the coffee table. Some ideas, illustrated by examples from historical and fictional sages, may help your Inner Parent to teach safety and trust…

Los Domingos, suenos, and TechoYComidaParaTodos

The common good, or the general welfare, xyz on-going legal & financial pro-bono education (aka Adulting Education), must become more fully inclusive for all of us. (2k wds, aim…) – Un programa de Igualdad y Salud para Todos Las Metas (para que todos pueden contribuir lo mejor): 1. Cada quien, de niño, debe aprender nadar2.…

Spanish Sundays, dreamers, and FreeRoomAndRice for All…

The common good, or the general welfare, xyz on-going legal & financial pro-bono education (aka Adulting Education), must become more fully inclusive for all of us. (2k wds, aim…) – the aim of Fully Inclusive Equality. The Goals (allowing each person to contribute fully): 1. Each person, as a child, must learn to swim (or…

Day 67/67 of GED in Five Months, language learning, and Adulting

 To take full part in modern society in a meaningful and useful way, every Adult must understand the meaning of a given word in the context under discussion.  The word range, for instance, can refer to mountains, a list of numbers, or to a set of frequencies, among other things.  The fact that the same…

Day 67/67 of GED in Five Months, language learning, and Adulting

 To take full part in modern society in a meaningful and useful way, every Adult must understand the meaning of a given word in the context under discussion.  The word range, for instance, can refer to mountains, a list of numbers, or to a set of frequencies, among other things.  The fact that the same…

Day 66/67 of GED in Five Months, Pandas, and healthy populations

The common good, or the general welfare, requires every Adult to understand the basics of statistics, as part of on-going self education (aka Adulting Education), to help our society become more fully inclusive for all of us. To apply the concepts of mean, median and mode, as a review topic while those readers who may…


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